Greetings from us to you! Today my shipmate Vaughn and I have been taking inventory of the adventure so far. Lots to mull over as we sip on our ''08 single malt Similac. One thing is for certain. We are terrifyingly good looking. We hit our three month mark of our journey on the 29th. We can hardly believe how fast the time goes by. We are sure the parental types agree!
There's a lot of talk around the house about preparing for the coming year. The parents have been cleaning house and throwing out trash. Dad seems a little less glum now that he doesn't have to be crisp for Crispness time any more. Mom seems excited about the upcoming year and the new president's inauguration. (We promise that's going to be one to watch!) Dad keeps mentioning something about setting off explosives in the parking lot. We think he must be joking as that is simply crazy. Who blows things up? Honestly?Apparently there is great sadness in the world as well, people arguing, people going hungry, culture clashes, and even people without homes. Let's try to take them into account as we progress forward. Perhaps I will cry for others suffering in the world now in addition to my own woes. Vaughn has offered to donate his share of formula, as he really wants to keep his svelte profile under control. I say he's crazy, and that the babes really dig the zaftig figure I currently sport. Who knows for sure? To the winner go the spoils! Sorry if our repertoire seems a bit callous, but hey, we're babies after all!
So we've been discussing resolutions. I asked Vaughn what he'd like make his resolution. He thought for a second and said "1200 dpi." I'm not going to try to shoot for anything that grandiose. I'm gonna just go with 300. It looks best in print, from what I understand.
To cap off the end of this year's journey we provide you with pictures of us at 3 months so you can see what makes us just so good!
Aloha, and Mahalo Nui Loa to everyone for taking us into your hearts and minds! See you in 2009!