Monday, May 11, 2009

Mission 18: Give it up for the ladies.

Shipmate Vaughn and I would like to give a shout out to all the fine ladies who made it possible for us to be here with you today. Of course we're talking about Mom, but we're also talking about the woman who made herself into a vessel for us to travel to the present and be with you. We're talking about Amy! Thank you Amy! Thank you Mom! You've done the world a great service!
Pat yourselves on the backs! Soon you will be receiving handmade pencil holders and cut out turkeys made from our hand imprints, but for now, here's the two of us, drool and diaper free! Doesn't that feel nice?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mission 17 Addendum: (more pics)

A critical success has been achieved by shipmate Vaughn!

We have also moved on to bigger and more important things, such as carrots and butternut squash. These new flavors assault the very cores of our being!