Hello again loyal readers! What is up? We are keeping it real like you couldn't believe. Today we participated in an ancient tribal ritual celebrated by the father figure in our tribal unit. It was called Halloween. It seemed pretty interesting, involving facepaint and body modifications, with a healthy dose of gourd mutilation, of which we are always in favor!

However, it appears Dad was too lazy/unmotivated/cheap to buy a gourd, so he used a persimmon. Whatever!
(Parents note: Happy 1st Anniversary, Gemma & Brian!)
It is important to note that we have reached one month in our research mission thus far. the Parents are extremely pleased that we have decided to hang out with them, and have arranged some meetings with various members of their tribe. So far none of them have smelled too bad, but we are convinced that the male named "Watanabe" has the ability to make Vaughn empty his bowels on command. I am cautious, but intrigued!
As we suspect is custom in such tribal inductions, the parents have received quite a few gifts from other member of their extended tribe. For this we can only thrive, and we thank you all! Great work everyone! Your efforts are not in vain!
to further thank you we submit some pictures of ourselves, as we know these are treasured more than many stocks at their current value.

zen styles
